Berg'inyon Baenre and the Faerie's Bargain: The Chalice of Eternal Youth

Berg'inyon Baenre, a drow warrior from Menzoberranzan, ventures into The Vast seeking the Chalice of Eternal Youth and ultimately strikes a perilous bargain with a cunning faerie, securing the chalice but binding himself to an uncertain future favor.

Updated: July 19, 2024, 6 a.m.

Berg'inyon Baenre, the formidable drow warrior, strode through the dense, mist-laden forests of The Vast. His keen eyes darted through the shadows, seeking the glitter of the Chalice of Eternal Youth. The tales of its power had drawn him far from the dark caverns of Menzoberranzan, where his House's influence reigned supreme.

The air was thick with enchantment, each breath tinged with the scent of ancient magics. Berg'inyon's hand rested on the hilt of his blade, ready for whatever challenge might present itself. The faerie he sought was known for its cunning and mischief, a creature not easily bested in the art of negotiation.

As he approached a clearing, a soft, melodious laugh echoed through the trees. Berg'inyon halted, his senses heightened. From the shadows emerged the faerie, a being of ethereal beauty with wings that shimmered like a thousand rainbows. Her eyes sparkled with a mischievous light as she regarded the drow with curiosity.

"Berg'inyon Baenre," she sang, her voice lilting. "What brings you to my domain, oh warrior of the Underdark?"

"I seek the Chalice of Eternal Youth," Berg'inyon replied, his voice steady. "I have heard tales of its power and wish to claim it."

The faerie's laughter filled the air once more, a sound both enchanting and unsettling. "And what, pray tell, would you offer in exchange for such a treasure?" she asked, her wings fluttering delicately.

Berg'inyon considered her words carefully. He knew that to bargain with a faerie was to tread a path fraught with peril. "I offer you a favor, one that you may call upon at any time," he said, his tone measured. "In return, you will grant me the Chalice."

The faerie's eyes gleamed with interest. "A favor from a Baenre," she mused. "Such an offer is not to be taken lightly. Very well, I accept your bargain. But remember, Berg'inyon Baenre, favors have a way of binding even the most cunning of souls."

With a wave of her hand, the faerie conjured the Chalice of Eternal Youth. It appeared before Berg'inyon, its surface gleaming with an otherworldly light. He reached out and grasped it, feeling the surge of its power course through him.

"Our bargain is struck," the faerie said, her voice now tinged with a hint of gravity. "Use the Chalice wisely, for its gifts are as much a burden as they are a boon."

Berg'inyon nodded, feeling the weight of her words. With a final glance at the faerie, he turned and made his way back through the forest, the Chalice secure in his grasp. He knew that the price of his bargain might one day come due, but for now, he had achieved his goal.

As he disappeared into the shadows, the faerie watched him go, a knowing smile playing on her lips. The drow warrior had gained his prize, but the true cost of their bargain was yet to be revealed.