Szass Tam and the Faerie Bargain: The Bracelet of Elements in Sembia

Szass Tam, the lich lord of Thay, ventures into a magical forest in Sembia to obtain the powerful Bracelet of the Elements from the mischievous faerie Lirael. After successfully answering her riddles, he claims the artifact, realizing the whimsical and unpredictable nature of faerie bargains.

Updated: Aug. 24, 2024, 6 a.m.

Szass Tam, the lich lord of Thay, stood at the edge of a dense forest in Sembia, his skeletal fingers caressing the worn pages of an ancient tome. The forest was alive with the subtle hum of magic, a telltale sign that a faerie realm was near. He had come to this secluded place to seek a powerful artifact—the Bracelet of the Elements. Legend said it was guarded by a mischievous faerie known only as Lirael.

As the moonlight filtered through the trees, casting ethereal shadows, Szass Tam took a step into the forest. The air grew thick with enchantment, and he could feel the presence of eyes watching him from every direction. His crimson robes billowed around him like the wings of a dark angel, and his staff, adorned with a skull, glowed faintly with necromantic energy.

Suddenly, a soft giggle echoed through the trees, and a small figure appeared before him. Lirael was no taller than a child, with shimmering wings and eyes that sparkled with a thousand colors. She wore a dress made of leaves and flowers, and around her wrist, the Bracelet of the Elements glimmered with an otherworldly light.

“Szass Tam, what brings a lich lord to my domain?” Lirael asked, her voice a melodic chime that seemed to resonate with the forest itself.

“I seek the Bracelet of the Elements,” Szass Tam replied, his voice a hollow whisper that carried the weight of centuries. “It is said to hold the power to command the forces of nature. Such power would be invaluable to my plans.”

Lirael fluttered closer, her wings leaving trails of light in the air. “And why should I part with such a precious item? What do you offer in return?”

Szass Tam's eyes, glowing with malevolent intent, narrowed. “I can offer you power beyond your wildest dreams. Wealth, knowledge, eternal life. Name your desire, and it shall be yours.”

The faerie laughed, a sound like tinkling bells. “You misunderstand the nature of fae bargains, lich. We do not crave power or wealth. Our desires are far more... whimsical.”

Szass Tam considered this, his mind racing through centuries of accumulated knowledge. “What, then, would you have of me?”

Lirael's eyes sparkled with mischief. “A game, Szass Tam. A simple game of riddles. If you can answer my riddles, the Bracelet of the Elements is yours. But if you fail, you must leave this forest and never return. Do you accept?”

The lich lord’s bony face twisted into a semblance of a smile. “Very well, faerie. I accept your challenge.”

Lirael clapped her hands, and the forest seemed to hold its breath. “Here is your first riddle: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?”

Szass Tam did not hesitate. “An echo,” he answered, his voice unwavering.

Lirael nodded, her smile widening. “Correct. But there are two more riddles. Here is the second: I am not alive, but I grow. I do not have lungs, but I need air. I do not have a mouth, and yet water kills me. What am I?”

The lich lord paused, his mind sifting through the possibilities. “Fire,” he said finally.

The faerie's wings fluttered in approval. “Very good, Szass Tam. Now for the final riddle: I can fly without wings. I can cry without eyes. Wherever I go, darkness flies. What am I?”

This time, Szass Tam took longer to answer. The answer eluded him, slipping through his grasp like sand through skeletal fingers. But then, a memory from his mortal life surfaced. “A cloud,” he said, his voice filled with triumph.

Lirael's laughter rang through the forest. “You have answered correctly, Szass Tam. As promised, the Bracelet of the Elements is yours.” She slipped the bracelet from her wrist and handed it to him, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Use it wisely, lich lord. The elements are not easily tamed.”

Szass Tam took the bracelet, feeling its power pulse through his bones. “I will remember this, Lirael,” he said, his voice a dark promise.

With the artifact in his grasp, Szass Tam turned and left the forest, the faerie's laughter still echoing in his ears. The Bracelet of the Elements would indeed be a powerful tool in his quest for domination, but he knew he had also gained something far more valuable—an understanding of the capricious nature of faerie bargains.

As he disappeared into the night, the forest returned to its timeless watch, and Lirael, ever the trickster, faded back into the shadows, her laughter a haunting melody that lingered long after the lich lord had gone.